1. Refugia created by the locals to protect their harvests from other groups.
2. Village sites.
3. Communication centers, based on hilltop locations.
4. Specialized centers for public events and ceremonies.
5. Terraced gardens.
While Arizona and Mexico have the highest density of Trincheras, several are known from New Mexico. This site was discovered on a flight from the Sky Gypsies complex at Amigos del Cielo airpark, aerial photograph 1. The hill rises 20 meters from the surrounding valley floor and the walled hilltop has a well defined outer wall and fainter inner wall, aerial photographs 2 and 3 . The outer oval wall encloses an area 68 x 52 meters, while the inner circle is about 30 meters in diameter. Inside the inner wall there are at least a dozen round rooms discernible, some created using existing rock outcrops, aerial photograph 4.
Who was responsible for the construction of this particular Trincheras and its function await further archeological studies.
Aerial photograph 1

Aerial photograph 2

Aerial photograph 3

Aerial photograph 4

Click to enlarge
Aerial photographs of other Trincheras may be found here and here. A description of Cerro Juanaquena a Trincheras site in northern Mexico may be found here.
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